I’m wary of such a plan so I looked at the script. The Mongoose website includes installation instructions 5, which in the modern style amount to piping the output from curl into bash! There’s also some more technical documentation 6. Mongoose claim support for other processors too: more of this anon. C code compiled at build time, and linked into the firmware.‘User-space’ files which include can include Javascript files containing ‘application logic’.Like other operating systems, it includes a number of daemons, some open to the network. The OS, by which I mean both the traditional OS which handles networking and the like, plus extentions to the Javascript engine to handle hardware.So, a typical ESP8266 Mongoose OS project contains: It provides a replacement firmware for the ESP8266 which includes a psuedo-Javascript interpreter and webserver. This isn’t ideal, because you’ll need a second processor in the box to handle the application code, even though in many cases the ESP8266 can do it all.
The default ESP8266 firmware makes the device into something like a WiFi modem: it connects to the main processor over a serial link, and accepts AT commands 3. However, we need to consider the software too.
The ESP8266 1 is a cheap hardware platform for WiFi-enabled devices: you can put something on the internet for well under a fiver 2.